Dr.K.Prasanth Kumar, M.Pharm.,LLB.,PhD., Managing Trustee

He is the founder and Managing Trustee of LIFE charitable trust . He has initiated the trust with a vision to bring a change in the lives of fortuneless and empty handed. He has been working hard to gather other likeminded individuals and organizations in order to reach out to more number of less privileged people guarding the core values and purposes of the organization.

Dr.B.Bhanu Teja, PhD., Advisor

He is a dedicated social activist striving towards the upliftment of the society. He contributes through innovative thoughts and ideas for a change in the society, involves himself in the activities of the trust. He inspires everyone with his thoughts and motivates the younger generation to render their helping hand to the needy.

Mrs.S.RajaKumari., M.Tech, Trustee

A dedicated social activist striving for the upliftment of the society. She is more inclined towards people who are in need and dedicating her synergy towards their development and social recognition. She believes in engaging in social activities and work for the betterment of the society. She wants to ensure that every child is given enough support for education who intron can add value to society.

Mrs.K.K.Kumari, M.A., BEd, Trustee

She has a strong positive attitude to promote development among side-lined and vulnerable communities. She is very keen on raising the awareness on educating every child in the country, especially children from slum backgrounds to strengthen their identity as an individual and the lives of their families as well. She wants to organize activities in such a way so that each child of the side-lined community has proper food, adequate education and agreeable health