Creating The Lasting Impact- Education Of The Less Fortunate Children

We understand the importance of education. It is both the means and the end to a prospering future and a better life. This asset empowers “the little stars’ to create something better out of their lives. Education is both the means and the end for them. Moreover, it eliminates ignorance, increases awareness on multiple issues, enriches their social behaviour, and makes them capable enough to understand their rights. LIFE Charitable Trust has benefited many children since its inception by motivating and tuning them for carrier goals.

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Providing Access To Education

If we talk to a powerful catalyst that can bring about a social transformation it ought to be none other than education. But With this in mind, LIFE Charitable Trust strives hard to provide access to education to the orphan and half drop out children. We work in collaboration with government schools and keep a check on the progress of the mission. The journey of empowerment begins by educating the ‘budding stars of tomorrow’. But this can’t be done in isolation. Realizing this, LIFE Charitable Trust, is working to build the corridors of education for the less fortunate children.

Increasing Awareness About Education Of Children

We believe there is no better way other than education to address the issues of healthcare, population control, poverty, human rights and unemployment. Our Trust provides tools to various schools that can come in handy for teaching and for learning by the students. We do what we can do our best to enrich the lives of poor, demised, and less privileged children. But we alone cannot make a big difference. Your help could do wonders in making a better world of the underprivileged children.

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