LIFE Charitable Trust’s awareness programme covers multiple areas
Minimizing Human Suffering By Minimizing Cancer Ignorance

We realize there is much to do about spreading awareness among the people regarding cancer. LIFE Charitable Trust works to benefit the vulnerable group and the less privileged section of the society who have no or less information about serious diseases like AIDS and cancer. Millions have lost their life due to their ignorance. Through referrals, treatments, counselling and awareness programs, LIFE Charitable Trust has helped thousands of individuals suffering from such dreadful diseases. You too can give your bit by joining the cause with us.

Mobilizing Weaker Women- Fuelling Woman Empowerment

Even today women in India face discrimination and aren’t given access to health care, education, etc. LIFE Charitable Trust believes that if given an opportunity, women can bring a huge transformation in the society. We work at the grass root level and take practical to uplift their condition, while ensuring women empowerment. Your support can contribute a lot to this cause and eradicate the issue of women marginalization.

Furbishing The Garden Of God- Helping The Less Fortunate

The weaker section of society that includes the poor and less fortunate children need a support to rise from their condition. We strive hard to make their lives as joyful by providing them access to education, medical aid, healthy food, etc. LIFE Charitable Trust conducts educational and interactive sessions to develop self-worth in the less fortunate children of the society. In other words, we work to make them strong enough so that they can face the challenges of their life efficiently. Help us in building a secure society. Save the less fortunate children from frustration so that they can lead a better life.